
August 22, 2010

strptime for windows

Filed under: PHP and MySQL — Joe Brewer @ 2:36 pm

I was searching for a windows implementation for the php function strptime, however the best help/advice that I could find was read the source code and write it yourself. Here is my implentation that I knocked up with date_parse_from_format so you can use it on version of php less than 5.3.0

if (!function_exists('date_parse_from_format')) {
	function date_parse_from_format($format, $date) {
		$returnArray = array('hour' => 0, 'minute' => 0, 'second' => 0,
			'month' => 0, 'day' => 0, 'year' => 0);

		$dateArray = array();

		// array of valid date codes with keys for the return array as the values
		$validDateTimeCode = array('Y' => 'year', 'y' => 'year',
			'm' => 'month', 'n' => 'month',
			'd' => 'day', 'j' => 'day',
			'H' => 'hour', 'G' => 'hour',
			'i' => 'minute', 's' => 'second');

		/* create an array of valid keys for the return array
		* in the order that they appear in $format
		for ($i = 0 ; $i &lt;= strlen($format) - 1 ; $i++) {
			$char = substr($format, $i, 1);

			if (array_key_exists($char, $validDateTimeCode)) {
				$dateArray[$validDateTimeCode[$char]] = '';

		// create array of reg ex things for each date part
		$regExArray = array('.' => '\.', // escape the period

		// parse d first so we dont mangle the reg ex
		// day
		'd' => '(\d{2})',

		// year
		'Y' => '(\d{4})',
		'y' => '(\d{2})',

		// month
		'm' => '(\d{2})',
		'n' => '(\d{1,2})',

		// day
		'j' => '(\d{1,2})',

		// hour
		'H' => '(\d{2})',
		'G' => '(\d{1,2})',

		// minutes
		'i' => '(\d{2})',

		// seconds
		's' => '(\d{2})');

		// create a full reg ex string to parse the date with
		$regEx = str_replace(array_keys($regExArray),

		// Parse the date
		preg_match("#$regEx#", $date, $matches);

		// some checks...
		if (!is_array($matches) ||
			$matches[0] != $date ||
			sizeof($dateArray) != (sizeof($matches) - 1)) {
			return $returnArray;

		// an iterator for the $matches array
		$i = 1;

		foreach ($dateArray AS $key => $value) {
			$dateArray[$key] = $matches[$i++];

			if (array_key_exists($key, $returnArray)) {
				$returnArray[$key] = $dateArray[$key];

		return $returnArray;

if (!function_exists('strptime')) {
	function strptime($format, $date) {
		$dateArray = array();

		$dateArray = date_parse_from_format($format, $date);

		if (is_array($dateArray)) {
			return mktime($dateArray['hour'],
		return 0;


  1. Genius. Saved me some effort!

    Comment by jim — July 15, 2011 @ 11:18 am

  2. Glad I could help!

    Comment by Joe Brewer — July 15, 2011 @ 3:57 pm

  3. Hello…this is great! I was writing one myself but I stumbled upon this…it fits my needs very well. But I did some changes to reflect more my needs and to resemble more the original one provided with php 5.3
    I simply added error_count and warning_count into the resulting array and added error_count = 1 when regexp fails and warning_count = 1 when the date is not valid (eg. 32/01/2010 or leap year problem). So in your code you can simply write
    $d = date_parse_from_format(‘j-n-Y’, $strd);
    if($d[‘error_count’]>0) { ..error… }

    Hope it helped as yours did. Thank you.

    if (!function_exists('date_parse_from_format')) {
        function date_parse_from_format($format, $date) {
            $returnArray = array('hour' => 0, 'minute' => 0, 'second' => 0,
                                'month' => 0, 'day' => 0, 'year' => 0, 
    							'error_count' => 0, 'warning_count' => 0);
            $dateArray = array();
            // array of valid date codes with keys for the return array as the values
            $validDateTimeCode = array('Y' => 'year', 'y' => 'year',
                                        'm' => 'month', 'n' => 'month',
                                        'd' => 'day', 'j' => 'day',
                                        'H' => 'hour', 'G' => 'hour',
                                        'i' => 'minute', 's' => 'second');
            /* create an array of valid keys for the return array
             * in the order that they appear in $format
            for ($i = 0 ; $i <= strlen($format) - 1 ; $i++) {
                $char = substr($format, $i, 1);
                if (array_key_exists($char, $validDateTimeCode)) {
                    $dateArray[$validDateTimeCode[$char]] = '';
            // create array of reg ex things for each date part
            $regExArray = array('.' => '\.', // escape the period
                                // parse d first so we dont mangle the reg ex
                                // day
                                'd' => '(\d{2})',
                                // year
                                'Y' => '(\d{4})',
                                'y' => '(\d{2})',
                                // month
                                'm' => '(\d{2})',
                                'n' => '(\d{1,2})',
                                // day
                                'j' => '(\d{1,2})',
                                // hour
                                'H' => '(\d{2})',
                                'G' => '(\d{1,2})',
                                // minutes
                                'i' => '(\d{2})',
                                // seconds
                                's' => '(\d{2})');
            // create a full reg ex string to parse the date with
            $regEx = str_replace(array_keys($regExArray),
            // Parse the date
            preg_match("#$regEx#", $date, $matches);
            // some checks...
            if (!is_array($matches) ||
                $matches[0] != $date ||
                sizeof($dateArray) != (sizeof($matches) - 1)) {
    			$returnArray['error_count'] = 1;
                return $returnArray;
            // an iterator for the $matches array
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($dateArray AS $key => $value) {
                $dateArray[$key] = $matches[$i++];
                if (array_key_exists($key, $returnArray)) {
                    $returnArray[$key] = $dateArray[$key];
    		if(!checkdate($returnArray['month'], $returnArray['day'], $returnArray['year'])) {
    			$returnArray['warning_count'] = 1;
            return $returnArray;

    Comment by Crick — March 23, 2012 @ 4:25 pm

  4. Awesome – thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Joe Brewer — March 23, 2012 @ 5:27 pm

  5. Thanks for sharing this great function!

    Comment by Mike — October 10, 2012 @ 8:11 pm


    Comment by Serguei — December 12, 2012 @ 6:05 am

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