
July 4, 2007

More website stuff

Filed under: General — Joe Brewer @ 4:23 pm

One of the reasons that I have been so quiet recently, apart from my Big Brother experiment, is that I have been working on a new layout for my brother’s website. He had asked me to change it quite a few months ago, but I’ve had to pull my finger out in the last two weeks as he’s been visiting.

On reviewing the original code I found quite a few security holes, so these have been patched, and I’m quite pleased with the overall design. Take a look here: Historic photographic processes

Big Brother Love

Filed under: Marketing — Joe Brewer @ 4:21 pm

Well, my Big Brother experiment is going well. I’m learning all sorts of things about getting traffic and monitising it. The big brother sites that I have built are my most successful in getting traffic, not that that says a great deal as they are only getting a few hundred visits a day. However, I aim to get even more with some new domains that I have bought. The American big brother will be starting this Thursday, so it should be the perfect opportunity to apply what I have learnt.

The first of the new sites is here: Jessica Hughbanks. I have to make a few more changes to the style of it, but it’s pretty much there.

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