
October 21, 2022

10.0.30 Data Entities for Finance & Operations

Filed under: 365 for Finance and Operations,Data Entities — Joe Brewer @ 4:09 pm

Here is the latest collection of data entities for 10.0.30 in both en-GB and en-US languages. I have added some new columns:

Is multi-threading enabled – if this is set to “Yes”, then the data entity can be added to the “configure entity execution parameters” which is accessed from the “Entity settings” tab of the “Framework parameters” which is accessed from the data management workspace. Multi-threading allows data from a single package to be uploaded across multiple AOSs.

Supports sets based operations – if this is set to “Yes”, then the records for the entity can be sent to the database server in a single “set”.

If config – if this is set to “Yes”, then the entity is used for “parameter” based tables.

10.0.30 Data Entities – en-US

10.0.30 Data Entities – en-GB

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