
September 10, 2007

Another rewrite for my Lonely Hearts Column dating site

Filed under: General,Marketing,Software — Joe Brewer @ 5:14 pm

It’s time for my 6 monthly rewrite for my dating site. I feel I’ve really gone to town this time πŸ™‚ Not only have I flattened loads of bugs, I’ve redesigned the look and even gone to the expense of commisioning some artwork.

I’ve also rewritten loads of the database queries as I’m now using MySQL 4.1.x – my old host (yes I’ve changed hosting providers as well) was on 4.0.x and didn’t have any plans to upgrade when I asked them a few months back, so now I can use sub queries πŸ™‚

Now all I need is a ton of traffic. Let me know what you think of my updated lonely hearts personals site


  1. Very cheezy β€” fits well! Watch out for your character sets ma boy, since β€œοΏ½β€ generally means something couldn’t be converted. I can give examples but I won’t here.

    Sub-queries are evil, so be careful. I’m not sure about MySQL’s implementation, but there’s a very high chance that they will cause several β€œinner” result sets to be created for every real row you return. Personally I haven’t hit a problem that required sub-queries because joins wouldn’t work, nor have I ever seen sub-queries used in a query that can outperform its equivalent using real joins.

    Prove me wrong! πŸ™‚

    Comment by Simon Butcher — September 11, 2007 @ 5:21 pm

  2. Actually, wait, hold on… Aren’t you supposed to be in Italy?

    Comment by Simon Butcher — September 11, 2007 @ 5:27 pm

  3. Decided to go to Orlando instead at the last minute. Thanks for the comments – I’ll investigate the evil sub queries further I think

    Comment by Brew — September 18, 2007 @ 11:15 am

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