
November 30, 2007

Letter from the olive tree

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joe Brewer @ 1:09 pm

After two interviews I have been accepted to do voluntary work, subject to various checks and references, at The Olive Tree which is a local support center for people that are affected by cancer. When I opened the letter this morning, the first thing that caught my eye was the fact that the president of the charity is none other than TV superstar Nick Owen, who used to present morning TV with Anne Diamond. I never knew why their program was axed as they had such great chemistry.

Anyway, I thought I would write a few words about the reforming of the covers band “Total Recall” who have not played for a good few years. For various political reasons the members have not spoken for a while, but since the breakup much water has passed under the bridge, and the drummer, and all round great guy, Tony Still has arranged a gig for tonight. It should be pretty interesting as there has been no time to rehearse together. Understandably I’m feeling a few butterflies, but I’m sure it’ll turn out ok. Wish me luck!

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