
June 7, 2007

Big Brother

Filed under: Marketing — Joe Brewer @ 2:05 pm

Well, here is the first of my Big Brother websites. I’ve spent a few evenings during the last week creating a basic CMS so that I can create the sites quickly. There is so much going on in the Big Brother household at the moment, so I need to get my skates on with the other sites – Emily got removed today for using a racist word, so I’ll be doing her site next I think.

1 Comment

  1. Woah, it’s so tacky 🙂

    I love the JPEG artefacts and the excessive (border-line torturous) use of pink!

    I have to admit the first season of big brother in Australia was met by my curiosity, but beyond that it was just boring as hell. I can’t understand how Big Brother can be considered entertainment.

    Comment by Simon — August 15, 2007 @ 1:40 pm

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